You are invited to "Unlock the Therapeutic Power of Music"


New member
Dear ALL Music Lovers (With or without music background),

As a champion for inclusivity and access to the music for all, I’m Soul Inc has ceaselessly empowered lives since its inception in 2013. With the use of assistive music technology, we have enabled people of all abilities to be deeply engaged with music and movement.

In an effort to further explore how we can push the boundaries of inclusiveness, I’m Soul Inc is holding a forum titled ‘Unlock The Therapeutic Powers of Music’.
The aims are

· To share and experience first hand how innovative technologies can enable everyone, whatever the abilities or disabilities,the access to music, so no one is left behind.

· To raise awareness of the neuroscience research that shows the amazing impact of music on our mind, body and soul, regardless of age, culture or religion.

· To inspire and open a whole new world of possibilities for people and communities to enrich their lives and lead with a heart.

One of the speakers at the forum is Mr Tim Swingler, CEO of Soundbeam whom we are bringing in from the UK. Soundbeam is a music device that translates movement into sound. It allows people, regardless of ability and/or mobility to be able to enjoy the gift of creating music, stories and movement.

Do join us in our mission to spread the power of music and to celebrate the human spirit. Details of the forum can be found in the EDM below.


Sandy Koo
Music Technologist
I'm Soul Inc