"Yes sir, I play the guitar. Therefore I'm a guitarist/instructor."

Yea I got 'wind' of the performance two weeks ago, will be heading there no doubt. I was from the 'Tengah Airbase' band, under 'Dragon' hehe

Brutha eieio...
it's about 'language' :-D
This revived thread took me on a trip to the days of 2359hrs book-ins etc.

First off, if y'all have the time do check out Rima Rasif's gig at the Esplanade this Saturday. I first met this lady when she performed at a club where I undulge in a certain sport. Suffice to say, it was a great gig, aside from her stage persona, her voice was simply amazing irragrdless of genres. The best bit.. she's approachable. So check her out if ya'll have some time.

I served my NS in the Air Force band& to those who will be heading to NS, if you're into music& have perhaps some experience ( school bands etc ) maybe approach your CO for an audition. I got called up based on my music background& the years spent at Tengah Airbase was one amazing experience. I was in the combo band as well so we played dinner functions, more laid back& it's like playing in a club basically.

Alumnis of the Forces band moved on to play in the night scene here& most are pretty well-known in the circuit both as performers& teachers like brutha djasli.

The NAVY combo band were a quality outfit infact all 3 Forces band were pretty much tight unit/s. We basically lived a performer's life be it for ceremonial parades even to, as stated earlier, slightly less formal functions. Don't worry about lacking in music theory knowledge, you'll get lessons as you serve your NS period.

Oh I have to mention that The Police band is one awesome outfit as well.

So do give it some thought if you're about to enter National Service.

As for pursuing music education -
Aside from MIT ( where djas& me were alumnis of the GIT wing ) there is also Fullsail down in Orlando. I studied Recording Arts over there& it was worth every cent. We'd get guys like Paul Gilbert, Ritchie Kotzen to producers like Quincy Jones who would pop-in to share their experience, the best bit is sometimes they would swing by un-announced so it was a welcomed surprise. It's based on real world education so whatever learning experience you get applies& the problems you'll face are what goes down in an actualy environment. That's where I saw Slayer, The Police 'live' because the students from the 'Live Sound' Engg course would have to manage their gig on our school grounds, in a kinda 'mini indoor arena' all tricked out with everything a typical venue would have.

The downside is, it ain't cheap but if somehow you managed to get hold of the fees, I suggest you go for it.

That said...

I'm done.

Thank you for listening.
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