YAY! My guitar never played so well! (up 1 more vid)

Try again! :) Its up... really pleased with the guitar.

Malcom actually tried out a stupid low action (as he termed it) and it was SICK. Silly silly low. No buzz still, you basically don't need to hammer on one to do legato, just touch and go. Tapping was crazy easy. It was scary. But too low! :lol:

The guitar sings beautifully now, esp on the higher frets, its intonated very very well. I mean, what can be a strobe tuner?!
nice melodic touch you've got there!...btw dun mind me ask how did u do up the effect on the vid.
great work ShredCow!

i really liked it. what scales did you use btw? i am forever stuck at using simple pentatonics and starting to get very tired of playing..
Yo mella, I don't play guitar, but I use guitar pro 5 to write short riffs here and there for fun (and out of boredom). I think there's a scale chart where you can take a look at a lot of scales in different keys. Might want to try that out too.
whoa. is ur guitar strap transparent cos that's wad it looks like to me. 8O

damn cool. can tell me where u got it?
Hey guys, thanks for checking this up. I'm really inspired to pick up my guitar and just play.. it sounds GOOD. :D

hay88, i was using windows movie maker , thats it, all the efx are there.

mellapong, I was using mainly A lydian mode. The song is from Guitar Techniques Mag and it was meant for A lydian mode workout. I also used a lot of pentatonics. Switching around btw E major (A lydian essentially) and A lydian tonalities...

dario, yes, the strap is transparent. Its gay. But I'm not. So its cool. :lol: Available @ Yamaha Tampines Mall. 27 bucks? Uber sturdy and I don't see how it will break!

neuro, will do my best to keep it up. ;)

Vaiyen... hahaha, okay lah, but the tapping is horrid. I need to re-practice it.
Great playing as usual SC.....splendid woodwork with some minor hitches in some spots.But that would not hinder it from being a great rendition.Keep rocking man.You've got it.Cheers.
Hey Zeroer, you got that right. :) The hicks are there! And its a pretty... normal? Improvisation... I'm trying to get away from this way of playing, trying more jazzy runs? if you will. The current way I'm improvising is getting boring.

Jr-V, AYE. :) Fernandes. Incredibly cool eh? :) But very hot! The plastic does not allow your skin to breath.

Heavencloud, its the setup lah... i tell you... :wink:
wow it sounds really really melodic and soulful. Feels like taking a ride on a old cool spanky car down a highway during sunset.
huh i don't really get you haha. i took music theory but dunno all the terms you were using.. urm which issue of guitar techniques is that? i have been waiting to buy a guitar mag for quite long already but dunno what to buy.. any recomendations?
Hey guys, thanks for checking this out.

Well, mella, try Guitar Techniques, as the name implies, its EXCELLENT for your technics and what not. Less on gear reviews but tons of playing tips.

Chang, haha, no lah... just jaming because I'm lazy to record/compose a new track.

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