Which one better? 112 or tele?? well, they are different and both are good if you can learn guitar playing from it. Strat style and tele give 2 different tone, depending on what you want, how comfortable you are playing with it. Most will say go for the strat(112), but in the end, you will still be the one to know which suit you most. What is the style that you really like will also be part of the factor in deciding the guitar.
Imho, tele is a aquired taste. For me, i do find a tele is much more easier to play with, the neck, body and the tone sound sweeter to me than a strat. But for others, tele might look uncool, difficult to play with and such.
I'll choose a tele. I don't like horns and i like the look of 2 pickups. Tele also sound better IMO. But you got to try both to see which is a better axe.
hmm....i have got an amp now...Marshall micro amp. Now i need cable and guitar....cable maybe solved but guitar i am still thinking.Hmm....i will try the yamaha tele at music plaza 1 more time b4 buying.