yamaha bb614

my fender warmoth neck is unfinished ... but it's been like 14 years already so all the hand oil would have gotten into the neck and dried it up ... straight like anything ... maple ..

Regarding woods, hard to say, tonewoods are classified into two categories, light and heavy ones.

Light one are woods like swamp ash ...

dense ones are like ash ... bubinga ... kinda depends ..

depending on the grain and the wood itself, some woods may be subjected to more warpage compared to the others, but like what Rentabass said, warpping is very dependent on how you treat the wood, expose it to sunlight and the elements ...

electronics are personal too .. for me .. i think 2 band EQ is more than enough for me. though i'd like more flexibility .. J Retro/U Retro! ..
how does swamp ash affect the tone ? more punch? haha. stingrays are great la, be glad you have them! :D

i think basswood would be under light woods right ? not too sure about woods :oops:
Swamp ash is really really bright sounding, gives the stingray its sparkle. Oh, make no mistake, i love my bass, just that after a long gig, my back hates it. :lol:
actually i think their a few species of ash. one is the light one the other is heavier theres another one that carrys pokemon with him. lol , sorry corny joke. my bass is swamp ash and its light as hell.
i read somewhere that swamp ash is pretty porous(full of small holes) hence light... traditionally stratocasters were made of swamp ash? Didn't know basses were also made from it.
Swamp Ash is typically the lighter, less dense Ash variant.

My '74 Jazz Bass is made of Hard Ash, and feels like strapping on an anvil. It's super bright, ultra aggressive and heavy as hell, unlike my '75 reissue, which is made of swamp ash and is my lightest bass of all.
Lol, dude, will your neck ever settle down?

I thought swamp ash should be the heavier version? After the name swamp might imply that its ash that grows in or near to swamps which are high in moisture content which would waterlog the wood thereby compressing the grain. I could be wrong though. :lol:
Eh... back to the BBs for a while ah... does anyone know how much a 615 is? I tried a 415 at Music Plaza on Sunday and I was pretty impressed... $675 with member discount and it's got a pretty Fenderish growly+thumpy PJ sound, and the traditional middy sound with the neck pup soloed. Now I'm gassing a bit for it, but not as much as for the 55-02 ;) Just wondering how the 615 would sound with the onboard preamp.

The necks on the fivers felt a bit "raw" to me though, but I'm thinking after some wear rubbing down it'll be ok.
Dude, you've got the real things in the marcus miller and the MIJ precision, ahahahaha, save up for the lakland man. :lol:
Anyhow, bassics, isn't the bass collection a discontinued line or something? How does it sound and play man?
superkicky said:
Eh... back to the BBs for a while ah... does anyone know how much a 615 is? I tried a 415 at Music Plaza on Sunday and I was pretty impressed... $675 with member discount and it's got a pretty Fenderish growly+thumpy PJ sound, and the traditional middy sound with the neck pup soloed. Now I'm gassing a bit for it, but not as much as for the 55-02 ;) Just wondering how the 615 would sound with the onboard preamp.

The necks on the fivers felt a bit "raw" to me though, but I'm thinking after some wear rubbing down it'll be ok.

55-02!!! ... but if you want to move fast better move fast .. cos i'm falling more and more in love with my warmoth every single day .. =P
ya its gone. lol, hmm to me it sounds great, took a while to appreaciate it though. cause the tone is very jazzy. i used to play alot of prog and metal so it didnt quite fit in but now since i do mostly jazz and fusion stuff the tone sits it perfectly just the right amout of growl and bass.
well,since now is the mid year sale,i feel like buying a new bass,a yamaha bb614.but i saw a fender jazz japanese at davis for $750 and a schecter extreme 4 bass for$559 at guitar 77.i play metal and punk but learning to play jazz.any ideas?tanx
confused said:
i play metal and punk but learning to play jazz.any ideas?tanx
i say u should go for a p/j bass in that case. there's the versatility and the p which is perfect for most metal and punk. the j will add some growl when you want to jazz it up.

i say the yamaha is your best bet out of all 3. i've tried it and the fender japan (which is basswood). the yamaha was better to me hands down. haven't had the chance to try schecter basses but i get the pre-concieved notion that they are more towards rock and not an all round bass. which can be good but i don't think it's what you're looking for.
I feel that if your guitar is made of nice wood, it would be better to use passive. Feel it actually brings out the characteristic of the wood better. For active it sound more artificial IMO. Mabbe someone might think otherwise but that's what i think though...
infinitemellon said:
I feel that if your guitar is made of nice wood, it would be better to use passive. Feel it actually brings out the characteristic of the wood better. For active it sound more artificial IMO. Mabbe someone might think otherwise but that's what i think though...

i'm an active person .. but i still agree with you that passives bring out the wood characteristics more compared to passive ...

i think a good set of electronics will do the job as well as passives does ... e.g. .. Aguilars ... Barts ... John East Preamps .. (goodness ... ultimate bass electronics .. )