Whether or not a bass sounds good can't really be determined by how flexible the controls are.
A bass may have more tone controls; eg. Bass and Treble boost/cut VS Bass, Treble, Mids boost/cut and Mid Sweep. That doesn't mean it sounds better. Many things contribute to the sound, including the tonewoods used, pickups, preamp and also HOW the preamp is voiced.
A preamp can have more tonal flexibility and still sound like ass if all the controls and parameters are not voiced well.
With regards to which tonewood warps easily, it's really hard to say. Tonewoords typically only suffer major warping when they are exposed to the elements, like exotic basses that are finished with a light oil finish. Most other bass manufacturers slather shitloads of lacquer and hardener on the woods, so they're effectively protected from the elements.
Unfinished maple is a neck wood that warps pretty easily when unifinished, thus it's always good to buy basses that either have gloss or satin lacquered maple necks. I'm not too clear about other tonewoods, all too expensive for my blood.
Hope that helps. Cheers.