Hi everyone, I was wondering if there are any more studios in the west other than X Jammin near Chinese garden. From what I know Alvron and Seng Chai closed down and Soundbites doesn't do jamming anymore...
Also if anyone has experience with X Jammin, how is the equipment like? The prices are about the same as those in town, would you recommend I just go to another studio in town instead? The rep told me that they use Marshall amps but he doesn't know what model. hope it's not an AVT100, I hate that amp...
Also if anyone has experience with X Jammin, how is the equipment like? The prices are about the same as those in town, would you recommend I just go to another studio in town instead? The rep told me that they use Marshall amps but he doesn't know what model. hope it's not an AVT100, I hate that amp...