www.gigvideos.com update : "Plainsunset" Album Launch + "SomethingReallyGood" footage


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www.gigvideos.com update : "Plainsunset" Album Launch + "SomethingReallyGood" footage




there's 58 videos queued for upload on my youtube.. i'm at the 3rd only.. maybe it's the high definition footage that's why it's so much slower now. I used to be able to upload all of the videos overnight, but i'm sure it'll be worth it.

videos are specially processed this time to look abit more better.
audio are also specially mixed/mastered to sound (way) more better than the raw..

remember to download High Quality mp4 videos using KeepVid: Download videos from Google, Youtube, iFilm, Putfile, Metacafe, DailyMotion! and view offline on your PC for best results.

so to track down the log speed of uploading :
10.45am = (03 of 58 videos)

and lastly : Vote For Plainsunset @ Power98FM as you deem worth. pass on the msg to your friends too.


25000¢ worth
Thanks for posting the vids RON!

Also, Plainsunset will be performing at Cathay Picture House this saturday 7pm sharp
Be there or be square!
Uh. Cause it sounds better from the back? And safe from the moshers. Hehehe.

I saw someone filming at Something good... Now i know how you look like. Muahahaha.
dir :
1) my new cam runs on hard disk, the heavy vibrations from bass/distortion guitars will (unfortunately) cause the cam to crash (yes blue screen of death. Data Buffer Overflow Error).
2) because unlike my old dv tape cam, like what kerplunk182 says , this one won't be able to tahan bodysurfer kicks and moshing shocks cos there's "moving parts" in this cam. besides i spent 3 months grass-eating cash on it, so if any dumbass kid who mosh into me on purpose better have his insurance paid on premium.

3) and 3rdly yes it sounds better from the back. drums/amps > mic > live mixer + live mixed/amplified > PA speakers > to my cam.

kerplunk182 : hahah cool, feel free to come up to me and wave hi, don't talk to me during set though cos it'll be recorded into the cam and amplified clearly and broadcasted on youtube. I shifted during midnight marvel's set because too many people in the middle (I was standing near the sound man) and this 2 guys behind me were talking shit about them (it was very audible) , then later I shifted way back, tallest point. safer and still decent sounding. and my wife was feeding me burgerking while I filmed allura's set so i accidentally got it abit shaky.

yo visa, yeah i saw you , you're not that outstanding compared to the lamposts , but sorry couldn't leave my spot to say hi. scared later kena snatch then no place to film. james (soft) was there too, he spoke to me also but I had to shush him cos it was on record haha.

so how does anyone find videos now? is it much clearer ? haha remember to download using keepvid, the audio is "MONOed" live on youtube but when downloaded it's stereo.
ah that's good to know, I've always preferred watching bootlegs from up-close. Another good reason not to buy a hard-disk camera. also, no tripod?

I would prefer if the soundboard mix is higher/more prominent, I'm not much of a fan of idle chatter during music playing, but a little ambient noise is good. Other than that, great quality. Take it easy with the fast zoom ins/outs though, personally I find it distracting and detracts from the overall experience. Slower zooms are much aesthetically pleasing and adds to the atmosphere :D
Okok. Next time i see you i go "HARROW BRUPREENTTTTTTTTTT!! AND EVERYONE ON YOUTUBE!!" then i runaway. Hehehe. Just kidding!:)

Videos look much clearer now (Not that they were blur in the past). Also because i choose the option to watch videos in higher quality. :D

The first video from Plainsunset's album launch like advertisement for Paul Mitchell. Hahaha.
yeah, youtube's download server is slow as hell. Maybe you could edit all the videos together into 2 or 3 large files and host them somewhere else too? It'd make for an interesting watch. :)
kerplunk182 : hahaha, yes.. maybe when before/after a set starts/ends, you can try stick your face in the cam and go like "HI everyone on gigvideos, i'm this name, and I play in that band" and self spam etc.. and yeah , the 1st video probably is a candid diy commercial for that weird slogan for a hairspray "hold me tight..."

the videos are high def, so everyone is "smaller"/squeezed in the photo and actually it looks terrible in standard quality. so best previewed in standard quality , 2nd preview at high quality, and go download using keepvid.com for best viewing.

gothviruz : sorry i should have mentioned, www.gigvideos.com, or open your browser, type "gigvideos" and press "CTRL+Enter" .

dir : well hard disk camera = I can film nonstop for 14 hours in maximum quality up to 38 hrs in standard/lower quality. provided I got power plug. that's a huge advantage over filming using DV tapes that costs $20+ per 3 tapes. and each tape stores 1 hr, and non high def. and yeap, no tripod, cos i don't have professional tripods, so i just use my height (i'm 1.83m) and you should have seen my standing spot, it's about 0.5m by 0.5m, I couldn't even move.. and lets just say I couldn't "click" with the live sound man to provide me a decent stereo feed. he only gave me crappy mono at first, the other "mono" channel gave to MTV.. so I rather use H4. and the audio you're hearing is from the Zoom H4. not the cam's. and oh interesting you highlighted my zooming. double edged sword. most ppl love it, some ppl find it headache. because if you do multicam filming before, if you were filming on your side using a tripod, which is slow zoom/boring/stiff but steady, then my footage would be conveniently useful because I have variety and focus on each of the band member + the crowd. it's useful for presskit video too, cos usually I pass the footage to the band if they want for minimal material cost. anyway i think wakemeup have their own upclose band footage. which I doubt they'll put up online or anything. you can see there's a videocameraman infront.

yeah I could use http://www.mybloop.com/blueprintstudios but there're ppl reporting bugs with it. all of the videos total up 3+gigabyte. I seriously don't feel like uploading 3 gb twice... one to youtube one to bloop.. since youtube more userfriendly just stick to it lor, if anyone seriously wants the footage in high quality divX, i can "non-profit-non-loss sell" you in data DVD at err.. what, $2? just for my time to burn+verify+material cost. self collect. then you can distribute/pass the dvd around as you like, really. split the dvd cost among 10 people , each fork out 20¢..

thanks for all feedback! I'll probably try to somehow tap into the live mixer if possible.
reporting live from cathay - ben and jerry's drinking a mango smoothie.., the internet here sucks. but yes most of the "Something Really Good" footage is up.left plainsunset.

downstairs the crew are setting up the stage for plainsunset now. unfortunately i'm unable to film plainsunset for the 3rd time today, because i'm watching Zohan with my wife at 7.30pm. haha... i guess this should be my final update for this footage. pass on the msg!

thank you for your attention.