Source - PWInsider
Last night's stunt with Vince McMahon being blown up in the limousine was actually filmed Sunday evening. WWE brought in an outside stunt company to come in and set the entire thing up. The stunt was planned over the last two weeks, with WWE having to obtain a few permits.
When McMahon walked outside and got in the limo last night, it was live but they spliced the cable to show the taped footage. For fans coming out of the arena last night they had the burnt limo husk from the one used in the stunt on display. is going along with the storyline that forensic experts are examining the limo for the remains of Mr. McMahon's body.
There we go then.
Its something different though, isn't it? To put character death into the storyline, I'm pretty intrigued, I think I'll start watching again for a few weeks. Last time i watched was for the DX return, but then Triple H had to go screw up his knee again. :evil: