Wts/wtt: tim, soul-bender, tremulus lune, mojo vibe


New member
Paul Cochrane Tim for trade with Paul Crowther Double Hotcake.

Sweetsound Mojo Vibe(bob sweet era) for trade with Fulltone Mini Deja Vibe.

Fulltone Soul-Bender(big box black knobs 2004 model) for trade with Skreddy Lunar Module

4ms Tremulus Lune $140 very nego.

I expect some top-up since im relatively "downgrading" except for the soul bender of course. Forget about my last thread cus i think it was abit confusing.

All except tremulus lune comes with box. If you have any of the above mentioned pedals but want to trade with some thing else, eg deja vibe for my tim, a deal can be worked out. For cash deals you can offer me but please dont lowball. Thanks!

Take all for $1000

Sms 93809716, thanks
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