SOLD WTS/WTT: Line 6 M13 stompbox modeller

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New member
Hi all,

I am selling my line 6 m13, to me personally, after trying a lot of different brands and models of multi efx, this is the best one i have come by in terms of use, function and sound unless you have a few thousands to spend on axe fx, thats a different story :D

All the switches have been replaced with high quality soft touch switches. No more crappy line 6 switches that always cause problems

Updated to Latest version firmware.

Selling for $450 only! Price down from $500! Already cost a lot to replace the switches, about $200 market rate. So technically, you're buying this M13 for $250 only! Comes with boss pedal bag or add $20 for a stagg hardcase.

Trade wise, im looking for boss pedals (tu2, tu3, dd20)

If you want to add a MIDI USB cable, i have a brandnew one, only used once to update this m13. You can use it for recording, updating, download patches etc. $20.

Contact 9450 5462 to deal!

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