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Hi guys. I got my big muff modded for a garage blues band (White Stripes, Black Keys, etc). Since the band never really happened, I'm selling this pedal away.
This pedal was meant to be a standalone pedal. Mods are:
Mids knob (makes a muff much more usable to me, you can have more extreme tone settings without losing mids)
Noise reduce knob (trade off between noise and gain; don't really feel it is useful for my needs)
Tone stack bypass footswitch (ala wicker mode, instant volume jump that I use for solos and for cutting due to treble)
Green ringer octave clone (in line, so not independent; does the wild note squeel with unison bends lol)
Technically, there are two pedals inside but functions as 3. A muff, an octave up and a faux boost (bypass tonestack); however the latter 2 functions are only accessed when the muff is engaged.
This is a noisy pedal (like most EHX muffs) but I love this muff because it is so raw and BIG. I've owned boutique muffs and tested many more and I kinda like this one a lot. Thing is, boutique muffs would have much less noise but the 'heavier' ones are actually edgy compared to raw sounding like this. I've had multiple muff pedals (Blunderbuss Musket, Twosome Fuzz, Angry Beaver, Angry Beaver with creamy dreamer mod, Pharoah) and this is the only one I've kept longest. I made the decision to sell each of the other muffs the same day I purchased it, but I like the EHX the most!
The mods are done by Sound Alchemy and MorningStar. Condition 6/10 with no velcro, no box. The cost of mods plus pedal itself was close to $300. Asking for $200 flat. Not for those who want a polite tone, a pristine pedal and who minds the noise an EHX muff is known for.
Willing to accept trades for EQD Dirt Transmitter or other interesting fuzzes.
SMS me at 9-0-one-one-3-one-one-2. Deal at Eunos/Marine Parade/City Hall/Buona Vista/Kent Ridge. Thanks for looking!