SOLD WTS/WTT: Dimarzio & Seymour Duncan Pickups & Modded Crybaby

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New member
Hi guys!

Selling/trading the following pickups (all with long wires):

- Seymour Duncan Jazz and JB set in matching white (like new, only used once for a short while): $140

- 2 X Seymour Duncan 59 neck in black - $90 each

- Seymour Duncan Parallel Axis Trembucker Blues Saraceno PATB-3 - $90

- 2 X Dimarzio Super Distortion DP100 in Creme (Cream) - $80 each

- Dimarzio Air Zone DP192 in Black - $80

- Original Jim Dunlop Crybaby Wah Wah pedal, modded with true bypass & Q knob (which can adjust the range of frequency sweep) - $90

As for trades, I'm looking for the following pedals:

- Delay (Preferably TC Flashback, but will consider others)

- Phaser (Preferably Boss, but will consider others)

- Overdrive / Distortion (Preferably MXR Badass Modified O.D. and '78 distortion, but will consider others)

Thanks for reading,
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