WTS VOX satchurator and misc pedals


New member
1. VOX satchurator ($100) doesn't go that well with my situation you might have better use for it! Velcroed. Condition 9/10

2. Beat up Marshall Jackhammer distortion/overdrive. Cosmetically it's shoddy to say the least - maybe 4/10 but it works and sounds good if you know how to work it. But seeing its ugly state clearing cheap at $40.

3. Daphon Wah ($15) I'm not gonna pull any punches this was my first wah, and it does makes a wah sound. Nothing fantastic but perhaps this might interest modders or someone interested in the casing... or something.


PM or sms me at 8399.58.23 to deal. Self-pickup near my place at clarke quay only.

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Miscellaneous parts and pickups
Washburn x series guitar
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