This is an original Oktava MK-219 made in the late 80's, not the new black ones (which have also been discontinued). Unlike modern brands, the classic MK-219 was built and produced by Oktava in-house at their factory in Tula, Russia. The microphone adopts numerous special high-quality components that Oktava did not outsource their production to.
The capsule on this microphone is based off an ancient Neumann design but with the addition of a resonator plate that enables the capsule to achieve extended highs. The 219 unlike most microphones found these days is not transformerless, this circuitry saturates and colours the output signal in a very musical way. Countless engineers in Russia and UK consider this to be an important studio-staple.
What is well respected about this microphone is that it does not have a presence peak like condenser microphones sold in the pro-sumer market nowadays. Yet, it is able to capture incredible mid-range detail that engineers look for to achieve that upfront and in-your-face sound. In numerous blind tests, engineers have claimed that they were unable to differentiate the 219 apart from the Neumann Gefell UM70. Despite a few battle scars on its body, this unit has been sent for servicing and is guaranteed to be of great service to its new owner for years to come.
- Male vocals
- Close miking on drums (amazing results on toms and external kick drum miking)
- Guitar cabinets
- 10db pad
- Low pass filter
This sale includes:
- Oktava MK-219 microphone
- Special DIN/tuchel connector*
Selling at bargain price as cosmetic condition is not at its best. (Scratchy spot on the back which used to display a name label made by studio owner)
Sold strictly at SGD$324. Interested parties may drop a PM, please do not hesitate to ask for further details and or photos.