Description of Item : Thinksound On1 Headphones
Condition : 9/10
Selling price : $200 ($400+ locally at AV One)
Preferred Location : City Area or Boon Lay
Preferred Mode of Contact : PM me
Letting go a great pair of portable headphones because IEMs are taking up more of my time. These pair of headphones are really one of the best portables I've heard for quite some time.
Unlike many other woodies that tend to display too much of a dark tonality, the On1 has quite a balanced sound with rich mids. Highs and lows are very well extended and smooth as well. The On1 also picks up details very well and are true to the source. Feed it a good source and you will be amazed with it because they scale really well to your source. They do even better with a change of cable if you are willing to invest in a good cable. Removable cables are another plus point.
Go ahead and google them and you will see HEAPS of good reviews because they really are that good.
Here are some:
Thinksound On1 review | Digital Trends Reviews
Thinksound On1 Monitor Series Headphones Review - SlashGear
thinksound On1 On-Ear Headphones Review | Audioholics
Thinksound 'On1' Stereo Headphone Review | whathifi.com
[Review] thinksound On1, on-ear wooden beauties
“Great sounding on-ear headphones” - zazex’s Review of thinksound on1 Supra-Aural On-Ear Monitor Wooden Headphone
REVIEW: Thinksound On1 Supra-Aural Headphones | POP | TECH | JAM