WTS Squeir Deryck Whibley Signature Guitar (MUST OPEN)


New member
hey guys!
Selling my Derych Whibley telecaster guitar for $600 (nego).
It's a really really good guitar. It's just need a new string. :)
This guitar is for those rhythmic guitarist.
I modded 3 things for this guitar.

1) The humbucker. I changed it to "Seymour Duncan SH 5 Duncan Custom Guitar Pickup White"

2) The input jack. I changed it to the screw type so that the input jack wont come off. Trust me, it's worth it. :)

3) Single Coil tap. This will gives you the "twang" sound. It's ALL IN ONE GUITAR! :D

That's all folks. :) WTT with Fender/ Squier Telecaster, Ibanez (NO GIO), Les Paul, just hit me with what you got. :)