WTS Prodipe Pro Ribbon 5 Studio Monitors! $380 Pair


New member
Hi All!

Looking to sell my 3 month old 75w Prodipe Pro Ribbon 5 Studio Monitors (pair) for 450 bucks, included is the manual, Foam Pads, No box though

Great Set of Studio Monitors which are currently discontinued. They work well for home studio environment! compared to the Yamaha HS50 they really have a clear full sound with the right amount of bass that the HS50 lack. You can also dial in the bass at the rear end of the Monitors based on your room conditions.

It's special character is the Ribbon Tweeter that you see in the pics below which bring out a nice sweet high end sound that is suitable for bringing out the character out of cymbals,hit hats for drum mixes. Its more like a sweetener!

I am selling this since i've moved to a new place (with naggy neighbours) and prefer to mix using my headphones..

Can collect it from my place as these babes are heavy!

Contact me at 96791664
