Wts: Pod studio ux2


New member
Selling my POD STUDIO UX2 mainly cuz i have an upgrade to a PODHD500. The POD Farm 2 provided is really awesome for a start. Dun really need much tweaking if you want to do a recording. Usually the amp models with a compressor works enough. Trust me.. Its that easy.

2 mic inputs with PHANTOM POWER!!
2 guitar inputs
1 headphone out
1 Ableton Live lite (8 tracks for a song. MORE THAN ENOUGH!!)
1 Riffworks
1 Reason Adapted
1 POD FARM 2 (go upgrade to 2.5 for free now!)

All for $240 with or without the box up to you. (SLIGHTLY negotiable)

PM me for if you are interested and if u want pics i will need your phone number then i can whatsapp ya or something. And... I wont entertain lowballers amd trollers.