Looking to offload my MIK Ibanez RG321MH together with my Line 6 Floor Pod.
Selling to fund my study trip coming next month.
Looking to sell it all off at $500.
Ibanez RG321MH
- Condition 9/10
- MIK, not MIC
- Matt Black
- Mahogany Body
- Fixed Bridge, hence the sustain.
- 24 frets
- Wizard II neck
- Review http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/reviews/electric_guitars/ibanez/rg321mh/index.html
Line 6 Floor Pod
- Condition 9/10
- Includes CNB Pedalboard
- Review http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/reviews/guitar_effects/line_6/floor_pod/index.html
I'll also throw in a planet wave cable for FREE!
For another $50, i can add in a SX Amp, with a newly bought cable.
So for $550, you have everything you need start playing the guitar from scratch.
For more information.
Text me at 92952001.
Selling to fund my study trip coming next month.
Looking to sell it all off at $500.
Ibanez RG321MH
- Condition 9/10
- MIK, not MIC
- Matt Black
- Mahogany Body
- Fixed Bridge, hence the sustain.
- 24 frets
- Wizard II neck
- Review http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/reviews/electric_guitars/ibanez/rg321mh/index.html
Line 6 Floor Pod
- Condition 9/10
- Includes CNB Pedalboard
- Review http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/reviews/guitar_effects/line_6/floor_pod/index.html
I'll also throw in a planet wave cable for FREE!
For another $50, i can add in a SX Amp, with a newly bought cable.
So for $550, you have everything you need start playing the guitar from scratch.
For more information.
Text me at 92952001.
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