New member

1st up, ADIDAS JACKET size XL, $70 (negotiable to interested buyers)
Adidas shop selling this piece at $129, Royal Sporting house and World Of Sports is selling this at $119.
*PLS DONT LOWBALL, someone offered $25. I don't care whether r u buying for yr brother or ahma, please respect the pricing! We all can choose to post your hp number, but we choose not to. Think before u send yr sms.*

2nd, Levi's Jeans Straight Cut size 28, $50
Straight cuts are sold at cheapest $129.90 per pair, do the maths and u'll know.

Buyers who are interested to get both:
I can let it go both at ONLY $80, & get a free pair of Giordano Cargo pants for free!
Think about it, Adidas jacket at $70, with another $10 u can get a pair of Levis's jeans and a cargo pants!
Pls don't give me any price eg: "$80/2, can I get Levi's jeans at $40?" Special price is given for 2 items purchase, independent.
OR: "can i get both at $70? I do not need the cargo pants?" Cargo pants is a bonus, price is fixed and I don't care if u want it or not.
Sick of lowball sms-es, pls think before u send.
Interested parties contact me at 94379559.
(if get by 5th June, all items at ONLY $60!