WTS: Kinman Woodstock Set (zero hum single coil)


New member
Hi all, would like to sell my Kinman Woodstock set.

For the single coil user there should not be introduction needed for Kinman pickup, one of the best zero hum single coil pickup in the market. (youtube/google it for more info)
Woodstock set is modelled after 60's vintage fender single coil with a touch of Jimi's tone.


The set comes with:
Kinman Woodstock Regular pickup set (Neck, Mid and Bridge)
Bareknuckles's Strat Aluminum plate (to further eliminate any noise that does not come from the pickup)
Original Fender pickguard (off white)
Lux Capacitor
Original Fender Knobs (off white)

The pickup alone is $254 USD without shipping.
I am selling all of these as a set at $300 sgd, my loss for your gain.
Contact me at 8 three 8 8 zero 8 7 1 (sms only)

Thank you for your time and attention! have a nice day!