WTS: Joe Meek SC2.2 Opto Compressor


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Add Beautiful Brittish Compression Tone to your music.

Famous Green Joe Meek SC2.2 Opto Compressor.

Good condition, hardly used in the studio.

This unit is in very good condition and works perfectly.
The VC2.2 is a one of the best Photo Optical Compressors ever made. It has all the benefets of Photo Optical Compression, plus JoeMeek added their unique "Slope" control, which adds a TON of sonic flavor to what you can do with this thing. It allows for soft natural compression, and hard knee vicious compression, yet with the warmth of Photo Optical Compression.

Product Details:
The Joemeek SC2.2 uses a photoelectric gain-control element with modern servo-control techniques to maintain accuracy and speed of response to the light source. Its impressive specifications boast distortion within 0.004% 100 Hz to 10 kHz at all levels and system noise generally better than 94 dBu from 20 Hz to 20 kHz. The box is flat from 5 Hz to 30 kHz with minimal phase shift at extremes and crosstalk is better than 60 dB at 10 kHz.

The rear panel of the SC2.2 is equipped with a pair of female XLR connectors for audio input and a pair of male XLR connectors for audio output.
The vintage-look front panel has an assortment of knobs, buttons, LEDs and a large VU meter. The input gain knob (which, of course, goes to 11) adjusts the input level. Unity gain is set at 4 so the input knob allows the attenuation of excessively hot signals. Input impedance is 20-kohm resistive and the maximum input level is +28 dBu.
The Slope knob offers five options (one more than the original SC2). The slope is similar to a ratio control but is nonlinear. Depending on the slope selection and the input gain, compression varies from 2:1 to 10:1.The Compression knob adjusts the drive to the side chain, controlling the amount of compression.The Attack and Release knobs adjust the attack and release times. Attack time varies between 0.5 and 10 milliseconds. Release time varies between 200 milliseconds and about 2.5 seconds.The Output gain knob adjusts the unit's output, which is electronically balanced and floating at a source impedance of 100 ohms.

The Comp/VU switch selects the metering to show either gain reduction or input level. The In/Out switch lets the user bypass the compression circuit. Two LEDs point out the status of the unit. The blue LED indicates compressor operation and the red LED indicates bypass. Also on the front panel is the power switch another improvement over the SC2, whose power switch was located on the rear panel.

Going for only $850.

If interested, contact me @ 8123 3974.








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