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WTS: Ibanez TS808HW
This handwired one really has the Mojo
No other overdrive cuts like butter in live situation
(ok maybe except the Klon, which has a different character)
The mid-range is really musical and combined with the compression of a tube amp, you'll get a very fat tone.
This pedal is for someone looking for the best ts808 sound in his arsenal.
a TS808-ish pedal + another more transparent OD (like TIM, KOT, KLON) would be a great setup for most application
This is NOT a balance overdrive like the TIM, timmy or KOT.
Watch Kenny Wayne Shepard discuss this on his board (he used to use a vintage ts808, followed by Analogman TS808 true vintage mod then an analogman ts808/silver)
Asking S$330 (around US$250, for which you can't find this price on reverb or eBay), slightly negotiable if genuinely interested
Comes with a really heavy metal box
9/10 condition
Sms 9 seven 8 I 8 8 zero O

Comes with a really heavy metal box like this

This handwired one really has the Mojo
No other overdrive cuts like butter in live situation
(ok maybe except the Klon, which has a different character)
The mid-range is really musical and combined with the compression of a tube amp, you'll get a very fat tone.
This pedal is for someone looking for the best ts808 sound in his arsenal.
a TS808-ish pedal + another more transparent OD (like TIM, KOT, KLON) would be a great setup for most application
This is NOT a balance overdrive like the TIM, timmy or KOT.
Watch Kenny Wayne Shepard discuss this on his board (he used to use a vintage ts808, followed by Analogman TS808 true vintage mod then an analogman ts808/silver)
Asking S$330 (around US$250, for which you can't find this price on reverb or eBay), slightly negotiable if genuinely interested
Comes with a really heavy metal box
9/10 condition
Sms 9 seven 8 I 8 8 zero O

Comes with a really heavy metal box like this