WTS: goose mangojuice, deluxe signa comp


New member
WTS: goose manjojuice.
One rare pedal made by local pedal maker goose. This pedal emulates the tone of Trainwreck, which is an amp worth more than US $20k. People that like this pedal will definitly love it, forever.
condition: 8/10
Going for $200. Willing to trade with high gain monster or some other good dirt pedal (sounding from marshall to mesa)

WTS: Deluxe Signa Comp.

The 4 knobs version of the signa comp. One of the best comp i ever tried. Tighten up your dirt and brighten your clean.
Only reason that i sell is that i don't use it so often nowadays. Redudant to sell too.

Going for a nice $200 (Retails at SV for $240, SAVE $40):o;)

One a budget for a comp?

WTS: CS3 randolf mod.
I really wan to clear this away because it is an excess gear. ahaha. nevertheless, a very nice comp.
Strat user will like this comp.

Going for $120

If you have something in mind to trade can let me know, just don't lowball.
I am looking for a nice wah and dirt. or even amps.

You can whatapps me for photos, no email. 90695848