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[h=2]WTS: Fulltone Fulldrive 2 MOSFET[/h]
Features -
3 modes of overdrive (Clean boost, Flat mids and Vintage)
2 clipping types (MOSFET and Regular)
Boost section.
Fulltone build quality.
The boutique overdrive pedal that started it all, and is still the reference for all other pedals. Most people try it out in shops and feel as if it does nothing special for them. However if you browse forums and most other people's experiences, its one of those pedals that absolutely comes alive in a live situation.
More to read here -
Contact me at 8 two two 3 75 seven 3
Asking $250
Features -
3 modes of overdrive (Clean boost, Flat mids and Vintage)
2 clipping types (MOSFET and Regular)
Boost section.
Fulltone build quality.
The boutique overdrive pedal that started it all, and is still the reference for all other pedals. Most people try it out in shops and feel as if it does nothing special for them. However if you browse forums and most other people's experiences, its one of those pedals that absolutely comes alive in a live situation.
More to read here -
Contact me at 8 two two 3 75 seven 3
Asking $250