WTS Fender Frontman 25r $100

Daniel Kong

New member
2018-09-24 22.37.05.jpg
2018-09-24 22.37.13.jpg
2018-09-24 22.37.19.jpg

Fender Frontman 25R in good working condition. Really nice fender tones in a great looking package, they really nailed the blackface look with this design. The clean channel is nice and snappy and the overdrive channel is very dynamic and touch-responsive. To top it all off, you get reverb that is musical and subtle. You can of course, footswitch between these two channels.

Here’s a tip, since the amp is already voiced to sound like a Fender, there’s no need to scoop the EQ further. In fact, I’ve found that it’s better to run this amp with the treble off and the bass and middle knobs set to taste. That way you get a really nice, round sound. Using the treble knob on this amp tends to make it sound a bit harsh.

Additional features include a headphone out and RCA connectors for music playback. Some minor cosmetic wear on the grill cloth but in terms of working condition this is a 10/10. Comes with a three-pin detachable IEC power cable which definitely keeps it quieter than two pin power cables.

Contact me via whatsapp/telegram/SMS @ 97939234

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