WTS: Drum DVDs


New member
Selling off the following instructional DVDs.

I've learnt a lot from these two dvds. Looking to sell off to fund for other purchases and hopefully other drummers can use it for their good use.

1) John Blackwell Master Series (Hudson Music) - $35
John Blackwell is well-renowned for his distinct style of play which has propelled him to go on tour with Justin Timberlake, Prince and Cameo, to name a few. This DVD gives you an insight on how he developed his playing style and the different styles he uses for different artists.

2) Stanton Moore - Take it to The Street (A Traditional Approach to New Orleans Drumming) - $35
The best part of this DVD is watching and hearing Stanton Moore do his thing on the drums in the traditional New Orleans tradition - it's an instructional DVD, yes, but the "instruction" is more on a global scale (i.e. not a lot of details), but you can learn so much about what to do and what this music and drumming sounds like from this DVD - If you want more detailed instruction, get his book "Take It To the Street." - The entire songs of him playing drums with fellow are just a blast to watch and learn from!

Get both at $60.

PM me here for details/pics,
thanks for reading!

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