WTS: Drive Pedals (HBE, Boss, Xotic, Barber, PedalTank)


New member
Hi all, if you're looking for great condition and cheap drive pedals, ure in the right thread. Here are some pedals on sale:

1. HomeBrew Electronics (HBE) Paradrive $180
- Overdrive with standalone boost.

2. Ibanez Tubescreamer (Japanese wiring) $180
- Japanese wiring!

3. Pedaltank BBlue Overdrive $110

4. Pedaltank PreBooster $100

5. Xotic EP Booster $150
- Rarely used
- Old version (w/o unity gain)

6. Xotic BB Preamp $170

7. Boss Blues Driver (Keeley Mod) $140
- Keeley Mod (Dip Switch to swap between standard and Keeley)

8. Barber Electronics B-Custom Supersport $180
- 5 internal trimpots (Bass, Mids, Presence, Harmonics, Note Shape)
- Extremely versatile

9. Pedal Train mini $100 with softcase.

Everything is in good working condition! Thanks!

Pictures to all of the above: http://imageshack.us/g/710/tubescrm.jpg/

Pls SMS 90023455. Thanks! No trades.