WTS: DL4, DD6,PBnJ, Modtone Tremor, MXR Phase and, VOX V845 pedal.


New member
Hi Im willing to sell DL4, DD6,PBnJ, Modtone Tremor, MXR Phase and, VOX V845. Selling Cause im upgrading.

DL4- $180
* Only the right output is not working, im not sure why but I think it can be repaired but Both input and left output is working perfectly fine. Still able to function perfectly fine.. Appearance 8/10. Comes with Manual n Box and adapter.

DD6 -$140
Appearance 9/10. Condition 9/10 Comes with Box and Manual.

Pb n J Danelectro - $50
Appearance 8/10, Condition : 9/10. Comes with Box.

Modtone Tremor - $60
Appearance 10/10, Condition 10/10

MXR Phase 90 - $120
Appearance 9/10 Condition 9/10 Comes with Box

Vox V845 - $70
Appearance 10/10, Condition 10/10. comes with box

Interested text me @ 98324316 inform me if you need pictures and provide me your email.