WTS Dave Moulton Golden Ears Ears Training Cheap!


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WTS Dave Moulton Golden Ears Eartraining Programme Cd
This is for SERIOUS Music and Sound people Only!
so you can hear things which people cannot hear,like that is a 5000 Hz boosted 3dB ,related to perfect pitch.
Selling for $15 only!
PM me your number,i reply fast. thanks.

An audio ear-training course for recording engineers, producers and musicians.

Vol. 1: Frequencies
Trains you to recognize boosts and cuts in all ten octaves of the frequency spectrum. Progressive drills build from simple boosts in music to more demanding single octave cuts in pink noise.

Vol. 2: Effects & Processing
31 possible signal processing changes, grouped into simple families: amplitude change, gross and subtle distortion, slow and fast release compression, equalization changes, stereophony anomalies and time-delay / reverberation settings.

Vol. 3: Delays and Decays
Delay settings from tenths of a millisecond to whole seconds; panning / slap / spaciousness effects -- in mono and stereo, on sustained and transient sounds. Reverb parameters -- predelays, decay times, etc. Invaluable when creating programs.

Vol. 4: Master frequencies
Advanced EQ. Identify cuts and boosts to within a third of an octave; and two octave bands simultaneously boosted and/or cut.
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