Selling 2 items:
Zildjian Avedis 18" Crash Ride Brilliant - $100
Sabian HHX 21" Raw Bell Dry Ride - $400
Zildjian Avedis 18" Crash Ride Brilliant:
Relatively thick cymbal, lathed all over.
No cracks or dinks, or other physical defects.
Noticeable physical marks from sticks and tape, easily removed with a cymbal cleaner.
Bright sounding cymbal, good for cutting through heavier stuff.
Large bell gives off a nice ping
Sabian HHX 21" Raw Bell Dry Ride:
Thick and heavy cymbal.
Hence, no cracks or dinks, or other physical defects.
Noticeable physical marks from sticks and tape, easily removed with a cymbal cleaner.
Very good stick definition, ideal for jazzy stuff.
If testing is required, it will be done in public, near Kovan MRT. I will bring a cymbal stand.
Please bring along a plastic sleeve or cymbal bag when collecting said item.
Zildjian Avedis 18" Crash Ride Brilliant (pics)

Sabian HHX 21" Raw Bell Dry Ride (pics)

Zildjian Avedis 18" Crash Ride Brilliant - $100
Sabian HHX 21" Raw Bell Dry Ride - $400
Zildjian Avedis 18" Crash Ride Brilliant:
Relatively thick cymbal, lathed all over.
No cracks or dinks, or other physical defects.
Noticeable physical marks from sticks and tape, easily removed with a cymbal cleaner.
Bright sounding cymbal, good for cutting through heavier stuff.
Large bell gives off a nice ping
Sabian HHX 21" Raw Bell Dry Ride:
Thick and heavy cymbal.
Hence, no cracks or dinks, or other physical defects.
Noticeable physical marks from sticks and tape, easily removed with a cymbal cleaner.
Very good stick definition, ideal for jazzy stuff.
If testing is required, it will be done in public, near Kovan MRT. I will bring a cymbal stand.
Please bring along a plastic sleeve or cymbal bag when collecting said item.
Zildjian Avedis 18" Crash Ride Brilliant (pics)

Sabian HHX 21" Raw Bell Dry Ride (pics)

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