WTS: Brand New Fender Standard P-Bass $650


New member
Hi All,

I have the following item for sale:-

Fender Standard P-Bass
Bought: 24/08/2014
Colour: Black (with maple fretboard)
Condition: Pristine (Showroom condition)
Reason for selling: Could not get used to thick neck.

Bass is fitted with Aguilar AG4P pickups (Stock pickup will be provided as well) and strung with D'Addario Chromes.

Comes with a Fender Urban Bass bag worth $59.

Bass is under 1 year warranty from Swee Lee.

Interested kindly contact me at 90095867.

Pictures to follow.
Pictures as follows:-



Total cost of the bass (inclusive of Aguilar pickup and bag is $1030.

First come first serve.
maybe you'd like to edit your purchase date... 24 august 2014 is in the future. :)
today is 8 august 2014.
BTW, this price is a steal.