WTS: BOSS ME-50 Multi-pedal *Good Condition* & BOSS MT-2 Metal Zone, *Mint Condition*

Jon Nathan

New member
WTS: BOSS ME-50 Multi-pedal *Good Condition* & BOSS MT-2 Metal Zone, *Mint Condition*

Selling off my BOSS ME-50 and MT-2, power supply for one will be provided along with a metal casing for ME-50. Price negotiable. Pictures will be up if there's any interested parties and able to arrange a meet up for testing. :) Hope hear from you guys soon. Thank you!

As for what i know, the ME-50 is already out of production. So it's a value buy.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YD5cE_BGYvo : BOSS ME-50

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GP0mKB3d3Qg : BOSS MT-2

Comment, PM or Contact me at 91859028, Jonathan.
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