WTS: 2 GREAT-PRICED OVERDRIVE PEDALS! (Barber DD & Paul Crowther Hot Cake)

Hey guys! Selling off these 2 pedals!

1) Barber Direct Drive:
Great overdrive with a large range of overdrive, great for getting compressed lead voicings. Push pull tone knob gives you more tonal control over your sound! Comes with Box and Manual! Great price of 120 SGD

2) Paul Crowther Audio Hot Cake
This one is for the fuzzy boutique OD lovers who love the vintage 60s-esque overdrive with clipping similar to the fuzzy sound of Hendrix and the great oldies! No box or manual. Letting this go at 140 SGD

If interested contact: 9-zero-6-8 1-four-zero-4

Thanks! :D
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Hey guys! Hotcake has been sold! Left with the Barber Direct Drive going at 120 SGD with box and with manual!!! Quickly grab this great deal before anyone does! :P
