WTS $150 pedal sound better than $300+ pedal

AMT Metalizer (Mint condition, with box and papers) $150. Bassy, gainy and somewhat "scooped" sounding. Can get you the classic Slayer rhythm tone and much more. Made in Europe. Simply superb for the price you pay! Better sounding than alot of distortion pedals I tried such as Suhr Riot, Wampler Triple Wreck and MI Audio Crunchbox.

Price is fair and firm so don't waste my time bargaining with me. Only meet up at my convenience. Will ONLY trade for Goosoniqueworx Seventheaven, Digitech Hardwire Metal USA version, MXR Doubleshot with original 18v adapter, Korg Pandora PX5D, Sansamp Tri Ac, Sansamp Original/Classic, Sansamp PSA, Sansamp GT2 first version, MI Audio Crunchbox, AMT DuHast/Rammstein, Maxz High Gain Monster, Maxz UK-Gainster, Shark Mr Big and Shark Warzy Drive.
I dont get it
if it's better why trade for those pedals which u listed and probably have to end up topping for another pedal which dont sound as "good" to you?
Read properly. I only want to trade for pedals which are not the ones I mentioned that I didn't like. No need to comment if you not buying or trading.
As you can see, thread titles like this IRKS other members of Soft.
False advertising is false. Each pedal is subjective.