WTS: 《音乐剧大家乐》门票 Let’s Rock The Musical Concert Tickets


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WTS: 《音乐剧大家乐》门票 Let’s Rock The Musical Concert Tickets

WTS: 《音乐剧大家乐》门票 Let’s Rock The Musical Concert Tickets

The price of the pair of tickets is worth of $116 ($58 each ticket). Now the pair is only sold at $80 per pair.

If you or your friends are interested, please drop me an email at desmondcher79@gmail.com.

10 Aug 2012
Fri 8pm
Approx 90 mins

Approx 15 mins
Kallang Theatre

For more info, pls visit the sistic website

Cantonese with Chinese & English Subtitles

Sold out to full house crowd at the Kreta Ayer Theatre last February in Singapore, MediaCorp VizPro International is proud to bring back Let’s Rock The Musical, produced by Hong Kong Spring-Time Experimental Theatre this August. The musical will be performed in Cantonese with both English and Chinese subtitles and will run from 10 to 11 August, at the Kallang Theatre.

The group's big hits and household tunes by James Wong, such as "Friends", "It Won't Change in a Thousand Years", "A Love Affair", "It's Not By Chance We Meet", "The Love Suite", "Let It All Sail Away with the Wind" and "After 80" will be featured as part of the musical. With its catchy tunes and suave dance routines typical of the 70s, the show promises to be a great fun to watch!

Let’s Rock The Musical follows the story of five young men who share a passion for music and get together to form a band. Jim, the owner of the school tuck shop who has nothing but money-making in mind, sees in them a lucrative possibility. He proposes to be their manager and vows to make them stars. Although each of the five has typical problems to face in their lives - study, family and love - their passion for music launch them on the road to success, and the band's name, THE WINNERS has stayed prominent for 35 years in Hong Kong's Cantopop hall of fame.

Produced by a veteran team from Hong Kong including renowned producer Clifton Ko, director Garrick Wong, and theatre actors and actresses featuring Wong Ka Wai, Angus Chan, Ronan Pak, Billy Yip, Bon Tong and most noticeably, James Wong’s daughter Ursule Wong, Let’s Rock The Musical will bring you a night of “rocking” good time!

一对票原价:$116, 现卖 $80 而已.
有兴趣,请留下你的电话, 电邮到 desmondcher79@gmail.com
地点:嘉隆剧院(Kallang Theatre)
《音乐剧大家乐》2011年11月於香港元朗剧院首演,观众反应热烈;2012年2月於香港屯门大会堂二度演出也深获好评!。今年2月,《音乐剧大家乐》首度在新加坡展开海外巡回演出,两晚演出反应积佳,好评连连,受到本地观众青睐。因旬众要求,《音乐剧大家乐》将这个来临的8月于新加坡载誉重演。还没观赏过或喜爱这出音乐剧的新加坡朋友,赶紧把握这千载难逢的好机会,让你重温那段70, 80年代的美好时光!
内容讲述5个对音乐充满热诚的年青人追寻理想的故事。青春前卫的羽模伦(简称阿伦)丶崔牛毕(简称阿B) 丶武朋友(简称阿友)丶历保健(简称阿强)与吴坚强(简称阿健) 合组乐队,为梦想高歌。好友齐心就事成,由”LOSERS”(失败者) 变成 ”THE WINNERS” (胜利者)。
《音乐剧大家乐》选用的歌曲都是粤语流行音乐中耳熟能详, 来自温拿乐队+谭咏麟+钟镇涛+黄沾的经典作品.金曲包括: 《玩吓啦》丶《L-O-V-E-LOVE》丶《今天我非常寂寞》丶《问我》丶《一段情》丶《相识非偶然》丶《Sha La La La》丶《朋友》丶《千载不变》丶《今晚夜》丶《爱定你一个》丶《大丈夫日记》丶《爱人女神》丶《明星》丶《让一切随风》丶《心里有个迷》丶 《旧梦不需记》丶《爱情组曲》丶《亲情》丶《上海滩》等58首经典好歌!
黄宇诗 Ursule Wong (饰演沾嫂)
黄沾之女.1999年於加拿大卑诗大学毕业,主修亚州研究,副修戏剧。返港後加入演艺行业,主要担任主持 角色。黄氏偶有参与舞台剧的演出,曾参演过的包括演戏家族的”遇上1941的女孩”(2000),春天舞台制作的“香江花月夜”(2005),焦媛实验剧场的“窥心事”(2007)以 及香港话剧团演出的“家庭保卫队”(2008),以及近年最为人熟识的《仙乐飘飘处处闻》(The Sound of Muisc 中的Maria) (2009,2010)。黄氏亦曾出版过两本个人着作,包括2006年7月出版的<与诗花语>及2008年1月出版的<问•我>。除了演戏事业,黄氏亦会即将出属於她自己的内衣品牌。
Let’s rock, concert tickets, 音乐剧大家乐,

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