WTB OD pedal, Fulltone/Himmelstrutz/Lovepedal/Vemuram/Throbak/Basic Audio...


New member
Hey all,

I just sold off my drive pedals and need a replacement asap, looking for one of the following OD pedals.

Fulltone: Plimsoul

Lovepedal: Kalamazoo

Himmelstrutz: Fitzo(+), Gramps(+),

Vemuram: Jan Ray

Mad Professor: Sweet Honey Overdrive

Throbak: Overdrive Boost

Diamond: Cornerstone Overdrive, J-Drive

Basic Audio: Will consider most of their stuff

Might consider similar pedals to those in the list. Clean boost to medium gain type Overdrive. Not looking for high gain drives and Tubescreamer style overdrives. Contact me at nine62five9seven8eight to offer. Able to deal fast, willing to collect. Cheers!
