[WTA] Straplocks


New member
hi all,

where can i get my grubby hands on

1. schallers straplocks
2. gotoh straplocks.

my dunlop shows a bit of wear and i think i want to repalce all the straplocks b4 an accident happens. thanks :)
Schaller ones are available at Davis. I have a pair. Not too happy with them.... The locks that go on my strap always slowly get looser, so I gotta keep tightening them. EEsshh.
my dunlop shows wear and tear after 2 yrs and if the schaller ones got issues. whats the best options, i want a fit and forget kinda straplocks if that is available somehow.
i use dunlops on all my guitars (except acoustic)

thinking of going schaller for my newest addition because it's a sig model and the actual artist uses schallers. lol
ernie ball going to check that out, if its expensive and last and works great its just a small investment ;p
my dunlop shows wear and tear after 2 yrs and if the schaller ones got issues. whats the best options, i want a fit and forget kinda straplocks if that is available somehow.

If your straps are not the big and bulky kind and can fit in your gig bag with your guitar, consider these:


They cost 50 cents each and last forever. I've had my straps on my guitar for over 5 years never once came off.

- Drill a hole through a 50 cent coin (or a funworld token which I used instead)
- Unscrew strap peg
- Screw the strap covered by the coin back in with the same screw

<Additional tips>
1. If the screw won't go all the way in, you might need to drill to deepen the hole a bit.
2. I recommend putting a spring washer after the coin for even more security, you can see it in the pic. It provides a backward pressure to keep the screw from rotating. You can google spring washer for more info.
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