[WTA] Pedal questions! help me pls! (:


New member
hey peeps on softie, i'm new to pedals! and uhh i had this really mad pedal spree so what i do have now is 5 pedals and i'm thinking of getting a few more hee hee :D

anyway here's the list:

chorus: Boss bass chorus CEB-3
wah pedal: Artec power wah APW-5
Equaliser: Artec SE-BEQ
Envelope filter: EHX bassballs
pedal tuner: some random pedal tuner

and i'm thinking of getting EHX knockout pedal (tone shaper/eq?), EHX steel leather (tone shaper), EHX soul preacher (sustain/compressor?) and maybe the Artec ADL-2 delay (delay), and perhaps a volume pedal (volume)?

please point out:
1. if i categorised any pedal in the wrong group...(:
2. if any of the pedals i mentioned STRICTLY CANNOT be used for bass (i.e. only for guitar or redundant for bass because i might have one pedal which already covers the function)
3. if you think any other pedals are better than those i mentioned (for the specific function), please suggest and post in this thread

thank yous for the help!!
Wow, that's quite a few pedals for a bass player. Nice :)
Btw, I'm not really good with basses... but I'll share what I know.

Tip: Just don't go about acquiring too many pedals... too many pedals in the chain can suck up your tone. Imo, 7 is just nice.
you may or may not like the steel leather- try it out before you buy. also, try not to have too many tone shaping effects in your chain because when something sounds off you'll spend time trying to use the eq on every single pedal you have. keep it simple :)
well, in a strict, fascist kind of way, all effects provide tone shaping...

more here http://users.sa.chariot.net.au/~gmarts/fx-order.htm

the knockout is considered and "attack equalizer"... so its an EQ of sorts. there have been looong and complex discussions about it on talkbass, but the easiest is just to youtube it and listen to clips... beats trying to figure out jargon

steel leather is a bass expander. which is the inverse of a compressor. i guess it could be classified as a compression effect, just that it works in an opposite way

the sould preacher is a compressor so it wouldnt make sense for it to be used together with the steel leather. but i heard it has noise issues dude, u might wanna check that out

and as always youtube and wikipedia have a WEALTH of info... you could surf them for days on end to add depth to your pseudo-knowledge
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If you like to use pedals, why not trying BOSS multi-effects? Usually they are good for bass because bass is much more different from a guitar. i have a ME50B. Well, it's a very good pedal. for me. haha. have fun playing around with your pedals! :-D
i swear by the compressor-> preamp combo. once you've locked down your basic tone, you can go nuts with everything else -)
i recently got rid of my compressor, but it's replacement is still on the way. it's gonna be a tough time for me. my comp usually gets my other crazier effects in line. but now it looks like the cat's away