WTA: Aguilar OBP-3 (Onboard Preamp)


New member
Hi SOFTies Brothers and Sisters,

Have some question here, I might be planning to replace my Stingray Preamp(Might be spoiled) with an Aguilar OBP-3, does anyone have any experience using this on board preamp in comparison with original preamp from a high end bass such as Stingray?

How does it fare? between the OBP3 and Standard high end Preamp?

Best Regards

Andre Julius
Had the OBP3 on several basses. I always end up taking it out. It's a fine preamp, but to me (and many others) the bass control is barely useable. It boosts too much too quickly. Goes from no boost to over the top boomy in a touch. Almost a nightmare to make quick fine tunes when playing live.
@Fretless6 : gee....I'm having doubts now....but the thing is, there is a possibility that my stingray preamp is spoilt(2 guys actually pinpointed this to me, judging from the extremely low output....)

I see...any other recommendation for a preamp then? one that I can get ready in stock in Singapore? Actually I'm just aiming for OBP3 just because TYMusic have it in stock....
Have not actually....but last time I also have this small volume problem even after changing the battery....I'll make sure to ask TYMusic to check the battery as well
check your jack to make sure it isn't corroded.

also, try a sadowsky preamp. it's not 3-band, but i haven't missed the midrange control much
@Fretless6: tried changing the battery, still low volume
@JBarks: so you personally think it's better than Aguilar preamp? I wonder whether they have it ready in stock.....
i have a aggie ob-3 on my warwick, it work good for me, its very transparent. its great. the mid control is a godsend
Hi All,

Thanks for all the inputs and opinion, TYMusic says they don't see any problem with my preamp, so they just heighten the pickup and do some minor maintenance...we'll see whether this solves the problem, can only try by tomorrow....see u next year fellow Softies...I'll update the testing results

Best Regards

Andre Julius
@JBarks: so you personally think it's better than Aguilar preamp? I wonder whether they have it ready in stock.....

Nope... they're just different, that's all. I like both and would be happy with either in my basses.

Remember to check the jack itself. It happens a lot in Singapore's weather.
Yo fretless6,

I installed the OBP-3 into my Bongo, it's not that bad.

Agreed on the jump on the bass pot, doesn't feel linear, it's like exponential, but still controllable.

Thanks for the OBP-3. :)