[WTA] Accoustic Bass

just make sure the acoustic bass u gona is audible for u because not all acoustic basses are loud. do check the action is right for u and make sure the pickups are working. for ur budget, the choices u have r a fina, j&d or tgm unless u wanna try da 2nd hand market.
Davis sells some nice acoustic basses.. 5-string model for around $500.. i think dragonfly model or something like tat...I've tried it myself.. good sounding when plugged-in.. looks very good. Better than fina, J&d and tgm. :)
Have you tried the Maestro Acoustic Bass? Looks like an interesting option. Not sure of it's in your budget though. May be a bit out.
very hard to get an acoustic bass that is loud enough for jams. usually still need to plug in. but it will give you the acoustic bass tone which is not possible with an electric.

i want to try getting an ibanez artcore and defretting it. i think it will sound killer.

maybe you could look at ibanez acoustics. which means going to...
sorry was a total n00b on this :(

i think the best is to go out and try it out thanks for the guidance :)
Lordie, why not tell us why are you looking for acoustic bass? Is it for the tone?

Just as pointed out above, usually you'll still need to plug-in the acoustic bass to an amplifier in order to hear it. To me, it sort of defeats the purpose unless it's the tone you're going for.

For my next bass, I rather go for upright bass tone. Am still looking around for Ashbory.
can a acoustic bass fit into a standard acoustic guitar bag?
how does changing the saddle help, like to a bone saddle.

lastly, anyone uses acoustic basses?
nope... acoustic basses are way larger. dunno abt changing the saddles

i have a godin electro acoustic fretless. killer bass. upright sound. but i suggest to spend your life savings on a rob allen bass. that one is sexx.
hmm, than won't finding a bag for it hard?

Well, actually looking for one so i dont have to carry my bass,which is super heavy, to 'waste time jams'.
rob allen is serious shit but that's gonna be 10 times his budget. i'd like to own one but i really can't see myself affording one even in the distant future. anyway it's not 'acoustic' per se