Wow! Is this fast or what!

Asking a noob qns..

do you actually pick all the notes or just pick once and tab on the fretboard? ( don't know what this technique called..) slash..he does hammer ons and pull offs.. depends la..both have a diff feel and sound to it.

its more of variation..i tink.
Shredding is playing extremely fast.

Legato is a technique used to play.

So is economy picking, alternate picking, tapping, string skipping, sweeping, etc etc.
he looks like he used alternate picking and a lot of legato in between...

so fast i can see shit...

haha is it possible to play like this with strictly alternate picking? if so, how long can ur right hand last vibrating like that?
Steve Morse could rip arpeggios at about 192bpm with strict alternate picking, so i guess it could be done. Imo, it's all about the player's choice on which tones you favor more....ask Shredcow about my favourite :lol:

Shawn Lane could really play some good piano too!
alternate means you pick updownupdown or downupdownup strictly. economy means you pick either up or down depending on the shortest distance to the string.
gAh screw him. he's fat and ugly X=. okay im just jealous lol. oh ya btw wots 'string skipping' ? sry im still not really good at guitar ya.

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