would you buy a 5000 dollar 1969 amplifier?

depends. testing, sound, reliability all come into the question. if it was a vintage non-working fuzzy sounding amp, then no. if it was a vintage, awesome sounding, still going at it after all these years, then maybe. oh btw, does this have something to do with the particular buy/sell thread? you know the one.
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I wouldn't because I am neither a collector of rare vintage amp nor a proficient enough guitar player to actually get the added benefit of the vintage tone.
Therefore I stick to amp modeling gear for the time being, but i have full understanding if someone else would spend the 5k.
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Nope. Reliability issue and maintenance problem are the main concerns. You may have to do repairs or change parts and components to make it work (or safe). Old electronics is different from old wood, where older is NOT better! Plus, vintage amps may not necessary sound better than modern amps. For 5 grand, I rather buy a Matchless amp. :)

But if that vintage amp is so rare and valuable that it appreciates in value over time......then that's a different story. ;)
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5 thousand on one amp?

looking at myself, i would spend 5 thousand on amps.

BUT NOT just one amp (eg. the VOX AC30 1969 VINTAGE)

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let's see.. it's old.. and jaded.. collecting dust.

so i'll be paying 5k.. to carry on collecting dust.

nvm. my house got lotsa dusty stuffs already. for free.

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