Would there be much interest in a hard rock/metal bar?


New member
Hello all,

Wasnt sure what section of the forum to put this. I'm a foreigner who's been living in Singapore on and off for the past 2 years. I have struggled to find any good hard rock dedicated bars. There are bars with live rock bands but not really like the bars I enjoyed back in Scotland. Im talking like a dark place for people to hang out in with plenty of whiskys and bourbons, rock/metal playing all the time, live bands on some nights, jukebox, pinball... stuff like that.

Since I have not found a place like that already, is there a market for it? Is there a scene for this kind of bar in Singapore? If there is interest I am seriously considering the possibility of opening one up.
We play the Beatles and the 60s. We have a gig coming up. are you interested?
Please call 90623535 or Whatsapp Henry
Have you been to Orchard Towers? One of the top metal bands plays there at Club Eureka.

From my personal observations, there is a healthy market for metal music enthusiasts here as well as a cache of pretty solid bands too. I guess ultimately, it depends on location and what events and promos u plan for ur bar. The locals here are eventually a more pragmatic lot so if u can beat or meet prices like those at Al Capone's (3 beers for $13 nett) or have a bevy of good heavy metal bands lined up to play at your bar, then u might have a chance ;)....

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