Worms On Concrete by FLAWED ELEMENT

I love the drums. The intro guitars need some work thouhg if you ask me, cuz it's just needs to be a little more happening. it is also a little off, need to get more on time with the rhythm, cuz the echos/delays aren't putting the accurate eccents in. i think it would be a good idea to put some vocals in, maybe some whispering just to get the feel right from the start of the song.

The part at around 00:48 where it climaxs is a little out of place, I know you're trying to get in insane metal feel to it, but it seems to poke in at the wrong time. But after that the drumming just brings it back, just need to work on the entry cuz it's a little messy and you shdn't be speeding up without the drums duirng that short few seconds.

The vox is pretty good, his recovering time is quite amazing. Maybe you can try to reduce the tension in his voice and get a little more control over his tone. He sounds like it hurts at least a little bit when he sings, which shouldn't be the case, try to get more air flower from the diaphragm rather than forcing up the back the throat from the lungs. Even though his singing is pretty powerful, there are still times that he drops out while holding a word. Try not to use os much of your chest when singing, get more breath.

05:22, the vocals there sounds out of breath, or do you mean to sound exhausted and desperate like death metal normally would? After that the gutiar that comes in again is awkward just like after the intro at 00:48.

It's a great song, yet I can't help but notice that it sounds as if you guys are trying to fit into a blackmetal-mould, maybe you guys can go for something a little more natural sounding?

great song overall, one of the best I've heard from indie bands. :D
yo dude. nice sia. sooo original! that's best! original. the whole tune was fantastic. interesting seriously. but em requesting for the lyrics!!! lyrics plz can? heh. oh yeah, will promote ya. :wink:
Hey all!!! Thanks fer the posts!!!

Regarding mixing... This is taken from our JAM RECORDING... So don't expect too much YET... This is definitely not our final sound... Change of song structures will definitely be considered... Thanks for the comments... Regarding the lyrics sanyo... Will keep you informed... The vocalists did the lyrics and they don't really come around here often... :twisted:

Brian ... I told you it wasnt too bad....in fact its good for a recording of the jam. You and your tick tick on the bass drum........ You wanna go back to walkman? hahhaa kidding.
hey abriel.. thanks so much for the support.. :D
we have been thinking about the idea of getting some t shirts made..
but we're still getting the design finalised..

my pending design now is a simple black/white round neck with the band's name across the chest and a logo (abt 8cm) below the 'collar' at the back.

pls let me noe wat u guys think. if the response is good.. all will be good and we'll go ahead with the idea.
thank u so much once again.

can add me on msn too at demon_10@hotmail.com

peace and love for music always
Jashan - Flawed Element

Heya darren... Sure got peeps getting our shirts anot... Sekali we bulk order then cannot sell... Eh jashan 8cm small sei... Logo so nice put 8 cm only... ust be catchy... Really catch the eye... Like 15cm then more suitable what... Haizzz... Hang arnd peeps for more Flawed Element jam songs... Thanks for the comments... Keep'em cummin... \m/ Brian Reka \m/

Is there no one else??? :evil: Well if so... Hang tight fer the nxt few songs we gonna let you listen to... :twisted:
That's right

That's right... Bassists and keyboardists do contact us at 94597574 or 81397624 for arrangements... Thank you
shiat!guys..do me a big favour..can u upload tt song again?my lappy got reformatted.so all the songs kinda *poof*...hah.thanks alot alot and lots..(if u get wad i mean).

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