wireless network


New member
I got a problem.. wonder any1 haf encounter dis ?
whenever i try to connect to my house wireless network using my laptop
but it wld say: ''Connection Status- Limited or no connectivity''. How can i solve dis problem? btw mine is singnet... i call their help desk but they doesnt help much :lol:

anyway my wireless network is share between 2 PC ( 1 wireless, the other is connected to the cable thingy) n a laptop( wireless )...

Any1 can help..thanx to u guys in advance :mrgreen:
hmmm...tried restarting the computer?
i encounter when i'm in school, when i shift from one place to another (library to atrium), then it will display that when connect to the network.

after restarting the computer everything is back to normal.

hope it helped in anyway :)
although i know you could have already tried restarting
This can mean that although you have a wireless signal, you don't have the rights to access the network.

When the wireless router is setup normally it requires a network key called a WEP that you need to authenticate and connect. You need to ask whoever setup the network (presumably you or your dad or whoever) for the key which you need to enter under the network settings.


hope dis help u guys understand my problem
Wireless router can be quite sticky. If you can setup sucessfully first time round, then it's smooth sailing. If you get stuck somewhere, you could be stumped for ages without solution. One solution is to pay someone to do it for you.

As I am a computer repairman myself, I give you some pointers.

1) Any other terminals can access to your router?? Use that to check your router admin settings (intermediate skills required, not for beginners).

2) Go thru the router settings and confim you got all the right parameters and passwords (eg. WEP, DHCP, WAN on status...etc)

3) Double check your problem terminal settings or reset the inputs again.

Tips. Always have all you "current" password and settings written down and stored in your own personal file folder for easy reference (yes, I mean in pen and paper). It will also let the person who give you service convinence, which could charge you a bit cheaper.
i believe here is the problem of which the WIRELESS ROUTER

does not recognise your computer as a MEMBER OF ITS NETWORK ( cant assign /renew the IP address)

u might have keyed in the encryption wrongly. try doing so again. wireless encryption is present in the form WEP , WPA and another format which i have forgotten. ONE NETWORK CAN accept only ONE network encryption method at the ONE time. so check your ENCRYPTION METHOD.

hmmz another possibility is that , the network u use , does it have MAC addresss filter list ? MAC is like IC . unique to each individiual PC network card , be it wireless or wired. its the best method of securing ur network .
hiya...i had the same problem on my com before...limited connectivity nonsense . this occurred after i unplugged my router for abit...
what i did was switch off and on again the router and modem and a-ok after that.......
but must say that u gotta be sure ur router is setup properly. go to the given web address and check ur setup. see if u included ur own com in the filter mac address thinggie i think...cheers
mikemann said:
Wireless router can be quite sticky. If you can setup sucessfully first time round, then it's smooth sailing. If you get stuck somewhere, you could be stumped for ages without solution. One solution is to pay someone to do it for you.

As I am a computer repairman myself, I give you some pointers.

1) Any other terminals can access to your router?? Use that to check your router admin settings (intermediate skills required, not for beginners).

2) Go thru the router settings and confim you got all the right parameters and passwords (eg. WEP, DHCP, WAN on status...etc)

3) Double check your problem terminal settings or reset the inputs again.

Tips. Always have all you "current" password and settings written down and stored in your own personal file folder for easy reference (yes, I mean in pen and paper). It will also let the person who give you service convinence, which could charge you a bit cheaper.

how do i check the problem terminal settings or reset the inputs ???

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