willis ram


New member
not sure whether that's the right name for it but i'm talking about this piece of wood in between the pickup and the neck.

Read tht it's used as a thumb rest.

I would like to install one for my stingray, anyone knows where can i get one locally?
unfortunately, the he 'willis ramp' is spec-ed for the willis bass. if u do want one you have to make one for yourself.
get the measurement from the body or from the top of the pick guard to the top surface of the fret board , u can allow about 3mm lower. it all depends on how comfortable you are.
get the measurement , buy the wood and shape it to your spec.
thanks. I was wondering also whether having a piece of wood there will affect popping as it limits the space now
yes, when you 'pop' u actually us your index or middle finger to reach under the G or D string.
if you look closely when you slap or pop, the string hits the area around the 19th to the 23rd fret.
you can fabricate a 'willis ramp' but modify the area near the neck joint, make a gap for your fingers.....on the other hand..why not play over the MM pick up? try to train your fingers..
actually i've been playing over the MM pickup just that i thot playing nearer to the neck would give me more tone choices
If what you want to do is to play closer to the neck, and you absolutely have to anchor your thumb, then a simple thumb rest could help.