Why would people post up their gears


New member
Just like to know the reasons..

and why would people post the gears that they owned (except for Gears galery )..any particular reasons?:p
its the same reason if anyone is into car forum, computer forum. They post their cpu model, processing speed, engine, mods etc blah blah blah

geeks are the same thruout, the different is in the choice of gear
hahaha....this is so funny.

Is this a guy thing as well? I mean to go down to the detail specs of their gear.
guess it cud be anybody thing also. Angmos also do it in their forums too. Imho, it cud be

1) The space where they put the gear prolly just enough to put all they have. Thats why seldom you see people with too many things put up their list. Cos the space not enouugh

2) I like share share, i share with you, you share with me. Its like how the old ribena ads in early 1980s with the boy and girl sitting under tree. Hey what you drink, can i have some? I drink ribena, i share with you

3) Iam proud of my gear and i want to show the rest

4) thats what i have achieve all my life so far and thus i wanna show everyone

5) gear is my life, my life is gear, i dont revolve round gear, the gear revolve round me instead. Everywhere i surf, i wanna those to be with me

Actually sometimes when I like a particular drummer, I'd want to find out what gear he uses, then I'd check them out a little. So I'm not against people posting their gear, in fact, I want them to post their gear haha.
My gear is my mojo. If i share it, no more mojo, so its top secret.

I see people post their gear i happy. Can steal their mojo... ...I'll become mojojojo one day!
well its a good reason u all give..diff opinions..

i agree for ppl posting their gear to guide others

but disagree to ppl to show off their gears.. XD
i agree for ppl posting their gear to guide others
but disagree to ppl to show off their gears.. XD

unfortunately, imho, both are the essence of gear pics/list posting. To go deeper into it, lets see things from psychologically point of view.

the idea of posting, in most situation, often boil down to wanting to get some attention. The basic requirement of wanting people to look at it. Unless one can touch the heart and say it loudly and proudly, NO, i dont want people to look at it, but i just want to post! If it make sense, of course that be cool. But how many are like that?

And if we are not like that, then why do we have the gear pic/list so often? Is it that to certain extend that, WE, wanting to show off that lil bit? Of course one can argue that, no, iam not like that, i post the pic coz i want to share and if people saw it and ask question, of course i be glad to help.

And from there, can we say that the posting of gear list/pic often is a process. A process of wanting to show off from the start and along the way, able to help people if they do ask about it? And of course, with the help of emoticons, it can further emphasize on the essence of showing off a bit while wanting to help. Eg, this emoticon at the end of a sentence --->


goot morning
Aiyah, why so modest here. Showing, sharing, guiding, etc.....is still about posting pictures for others to look at. This forum will be dead boring (or dead!) if people stop posting pictures of their gear. Anyway, there's nothing wrong with showing off. If ya gotta da stuff you're proud of.....let da whole damn world know 'bout it! ;)
Aiyah, why so modest here. Showing, sharing, guiding, etc.....is still about posting pictures for others to look at. This forum will be dead boring (or dead!) if people stop posting pictures of their gear. Anyway, there's nothing wrong with showing off. If ya gotta da stuff you're proud of.....let da whole damn world know 'bout it! ;)

well..if its boring or dead.. don't bother reply then..

anyway, thx softies for sharing ur opinions..keep'em cming..:p

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