Why Guitar is better Woman?

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If all your fathers also think this way, I think many of you would not be around to post such sexist and rude comments in the first place.

Kerr, may I ask what do you hope to achieve out of putting up such statements be in a poster ad or inviting suggestions as such in a public forum? If you are trying to be funny in the ads...sorry but you have just lost me as a customer. BTW, you are just inviting trouble by starting something like this.

To me, there is no comparison between the two. One is a hobby, the other is a life partner. Both fulfills different roles and needs on our lives. And to those who posted the rude and sexist comments...I feel sorry for you guys.
Rhythmic_Concussion : Whats up dude? Woke up on the wrong side of the bed?

Theres nothing wrong with having a little humour here in SOFT. Whats up anyway? "Oh you're so mean I don't buy from you liao." . Very immature behavior. I suggest you look things from a lighter point of view.

It is VERY CLEAR this thread is not meant to be taken into offense. Do rethink.
BlackMoo, you mean to tell me you are very mature to take such sexist comments lightly? I personally sees it as a lack of respect for the other sex. So what if you can play the guitar very well...does it give you the right to make such comments in the first place? BTW, if this is your sense of humor, it is offensive to others...please bear in mind that this is a public forum.

Why do you think for centuries women fought to gain their rights in society? You think men are so high and mighty?
Its funny how everyone in other forums simply brush this off as humour.

And move on..

Pity the bad and sexist commentors..

And move on..

Besides.. I am sure everyone isnt an idiot here and will know where women stand.
er...Why facials are better than men?Why shopping is better than men?Why gossiping is better than men?Why make-up is better than men?

Hmm, honestly,,,i see these crap at magazine stands, particularly with the women mag's HUGE headlines dissing men....but its all in good fun what..

I'm sure we guys aren't offended.

Yeah I admit some of the jokes in this thread are a bit too much...but ok then, We are aorry.

Why Guitars are better than women?

Cos if we make jokes about our guitars, we won't get labelled as being a dickhead by anyone.

:D :D
Boys who complain about guitars being better than women obviously aren't having quality or any sex actions at all.

Come on, since when does the guitar have an orifice for you to satisfy your bird bird??

Maybe someone should invent a guitar with a functional virginal, then some dysfunctional pervert will prove me wrong.... Hahahaha...:twisted:

Even so, satisfying yourself only give you some satisfaction. The remaining satisfaction is seeing your partners' lust, enjoyment and climax too. Unless, like I said, you are a dysfunctional pervert.
UMMmmmm... :roll:

To be fair, maybe we should turn the subject around....So instead of discussing the subject of "Why guitars are better than women", let's start talking about the reverse..

Let me start...









Well...Sorry I can't think of any.....

As we were saying....... :lol:
aiyah, it's all jokes anyway...why take it seriously...

I mean... there are tonnes of sexist, racist, and watever '-ist' jokes out there anyway, why not you go and diss everyone of those too?

Anyway, why not we have a thread about...

Why Bassists have it better than Guitarist?


Why 'musical instrument player' have it better than 'musical instrument player'

maybe people won't make noise then...

hmmm, maybe we should change the thread to

Why guitars are better than Mikeman.
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

because Mikeman likes to think that he is having "quality sex" and we are not.

Because Mikeman is too kinky and imaginative. :D :D :D :D

because Mikeman will refuse to repair my stuff from now on :(
wah lau, relax la why singaporean so uptight one. relax this just some humour, like wat snuff said articles that do the same abt us guys are plentiful and we dun take offence to it.

you guys need to kick back and relax. 8)
snuffleupagus said:
Because Mikeman is too kinky and imaginative. :D :D :D :D

Hahaha.....I just got another idea. If you guys go to the sa**yboy forums, there is this ultimate power user called "cuntking". First time you see his animated gif logo, you would laugh your head off.

Why not go to the dildo shop and get a lifesized functional "woman's part", put some motor in it so that it imitates that logo. AND INSTALL THAT ONTO A STRAT BODY.....HAHAHAHAHA.... Ultra cool!!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Go live performance in SG sure to kenna banned like Boredphucks....Hahahaha....
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